1. Ori or Aram 4470 2. Gariak I 4404 3. Gannkam 4321 4. Queen Borsa 4254 5. Gariak II 4194 6. Djan I 4114 7. Djan II 4054 8. Senefrou 4034 9. Zeenabzamin 3976 10. Sahlan 3916 11. Elaryan 3836 12. Nimroud 3776 13. Queen Eylouka 3731 14. Saloug 3701 15. Kharid 3629 16. Hogeb 3529 17. Makaws 3459 18. Assa 3429 19. Affar 3379 20. Milanos 3317 21. Soliman Tehagui 3244 . The line continues with Kam.
1. Kam 2635 2. Kout (son of Kam) 2585 3. Habassi 2545 4. Sebtah 2515 5. Elektron 2485 6. Neber 2455 7. Amen 2434 8. Queen Nehasset Nais 2404 9. Horkam 2375 10. Saba II 2345 11. Sofard 2315 12. Askndou 2290 13. Hohey 2255 14. Adglag 2235 15. Adgala 2205 16. Lakniduga 2180 17. Manturay 2145 18. Rakhu 2115 19. Sabe I 2085 20. Azagan 2055 21. Sousel Atozanis 2035 22. Amen II 2020 23. Ramenpahte 2000 24. Wanuna 3 days 25. Piori I 1985 . The line continues with the Agdazian Dynasty.
1. Akbunas Saba II 1930 2. Nakehte Kalnis 1871 3. Queen Kasiyope 1890 4. Sabe II 1856 5. Etiyopus I 1800 6. Lakndun Nowarari 1770 7. Tutimheb 1750 8. Herhator I 1730 9. Etiyopus II 1700 10. Senuka I 1683 11. Bonu I 1675 12. Queen Mumazes 1671 13. Aruas (daughter of Mumazes) 7 months 14. Amen Asro I 1641 15. Ori (or Aram) II 1611 16. Piori II 1596 17. Amen Emhat I 1556 18. Tsawi 1541 19. Aktissanis 1531 20. Mandes 1514 21. Protawos 1481 22. Amoy 1460 23. Konsi Hendawi 1455 24. Bonu II 1453 25. Sebi III (Kefe) 1438 26. Djagons 1418 27. Senuka II 1408 28. Angabo I (Zaka Laarwe) 1358 29. Miamur 2 days 30. Queen Helena 1347 31. Zagdur I 1307 32. Her Hator II 1277 33. Her Hator (Za Sagado) III 1276 34. Akate (Za Sagado) IV 1256 35. Titon Satiyo 1246 36. Hermantu I 5 Months 37. Amen Emhat II 1241 38. Konsab I 1236 39. Sannib II 1231 40. Sanuka III 1226 41. Angabo II 1186 42. Amen Astate 1156 43. Herhor 1140 44. Wiyankihi 1131 45. Pinotsem I 1114 46. Pinotsem II 1073 47. Massaherta 1057 48. Ramenkoperm 1043 49. Pinotsem III 1036 50. Sabi IV 1026 51. Tawasaya Dews 1013 52. Queen Makeda 982 . Son of Makeda (Queen of Sheba or Saba) begins Solomonic line.
1. Menelik I 957 2. Hanyon 956 3. Sera I (Tomai) 930 4. Amen Hotep Zagdur 899 5. Aksumay Ramissu 879 6. Awseyo Sera II 841 7. Tawasya II 820 8. Abralyus Wiyankihi II 788 9. Aksumay Warada Tsahay 765 10. Kashta Hanyon 752 11. Sabaka II 740 12. Queen Nicauta Kandake 13. Tsawi Terhak Warada Nagash 681 14. Erda Amen Awseya 675 15. Gasiyo Eskikatir ? 16. Nuatmeawn 671 17. Tomadyon Piyankihi III 659 18. Amen Asero 643 19. Piyankihi IV (Awtet) 609 20. Zaware Nebret Aspurta 568 21. Saifay Harsiataw II 556 22. Ramhay Nastossanan 542 23. Handu Wuha Abra 531 24. Safelya Sabakon 500 25. Agalbus Sepekos 478 26. Psmenit Waradanegash 457 27. Awseya Tarakos 445 28. Kanaz Psmis (son of preceding) 432 29. Apras 422 30. Kashta Walda Ahuhu 402 31. Elalion Taake 392 32. Atserk Amen III 382 33. Atserk Amen IV 372 34. Queen Hadina 362 35. Atserk Amen V 352 36. Atserk Amen VI 342 37. Queen Nikawla Kandat 332 38. Bassyo 325 39. Queen Akawsis Kandake III 315 40. Arkamen II 305 41. Awtet Arawura 295 42. Kolas II (Kaletro) 285 43. Zawre Nebrat 269 44. Stiyo 255 45. Safay 242 46. Queen Nikosis Kandake IV 232 47. Ramhay Arkamen IV 222 48. Feliya Hernekhit 207 49. Hende Awkerara 187 50. Agabu Baseheran 177 51. Sulay Kawawmenun 157 52. Messelme Kerarmer 149 53. Nagey Bsente 139 54. Etbenukawer 129 55. Safeliya Abramen 109 56. Sanay 99 57. Queen Awsena 88 58. Dawit II 78 59. Aglbul 70 60. Bawawl 60 61. Barawas 50 62. Dinedad 40 63. Amoy Mahasse 35 64. Nicotnis Kandake V 25 65. Nalke 20 66. Luzay 8 67. Bazen BCE YEAR 8 to AD YEAR 9
Non-Christian Rulers After Christian Era (AD):
1. Sartu Tsenfa Assegd 30 2. Akaptah Tsenfa Ared 38 3. Horemtaku 40 4. Garsemot Kandake VI 50 5. Hatosza Bahr Asaged 78 6. Mesenh Germasir 85 7. Metwa Germa Asfar 94 8. Adgale II 104 9. Agba 6 mo of Adgale + 6 mo 105 10. Serada 121 11. Malis Alameda 125 12. Hakabe Nasohi Tsiyon 131 13. Hakli Sergway 143 14. Dedme Zaray 153 15. Awtet 155 16. ALaly Bagamay 162 17. Awadu Jan Asagad 192 18. Zagun Tsion Hegez 197 19. Rema Tsion Geza 200 20. Azegan Malbagad 207 21. Gafale Seb Asagad 208 22. Tsegay Beze Wark 212 23. Gaza Agdur 221 24. Agduba Asgwegwe 229 25. Dawiza 230 26. Wakana (Queen) 2 days 27. Hadawz 4 months 28. Ailassan Sagal 233 29. Asfehi Asfeha 247 30. Atsgaba Seifa Arad 253 31. Ayba 270 32. Tsaham Laknduga 279 23. Tsegab 289 34. Tazer 299 35. Ahywa Sofya (Queen) 306 . The line continues with Christian rulers and Ethiopia becomes a Christian nation.
Christian Rulers After Christian Era (AD):
1. Ahywa (Sofya, mother of Abreha Atsbeha). 2. Abreha Atsbeha (partly with his mother) 332 3. Atsbeha (alone) 344 4. Asfeh Dalz 351 5. Sahle 365 6. Arfed Gebra Maskal 369 7. Adhana I (Queen) 374 8. Riti 375 9. Asfeh II 376 10. Atsbeha II 381 11. Amey 396 12. Abreha II 7 months 13. Ilassahl 2 months 14. Elagabaz I 398 15. Suhal 402 16. Abreha III 412 17. Adhana II (Queen) 418 18. Yoab 428 19. Tsaham I 430 20. Amey II 431 21. Sahle Ahzob 433 22. Tsebah Mahana Kristos 436 23. Tsaham II 438 24. Elagabaz II 444 25. Agabi 445 26. Lewi 447 27. Ameda III 450 28. Armah Dawit 464 29. Amsi 469 30. Salayba 478 31. Alameda 486 32. Pazena Ezana 493 . Kaleb continues the line as a Dynasty until Emperor Gedajan.
Kaleb Dynasty:
1. Kaleb 523 2. Za Israel 1 month 3. Gabra Maskal 537 4. Kostantinos 565 5. Wasan Sagad 580 6. Fere Sanay 603 7. Advenz 623 8. Akala Wedem 631 9. Germa Asafar 646 10. Zergaz 656 11. Dagena Mikael 682 12. Bahr Ekla 701 13. Gum 725 14. Asguagum 730 15. Latem 746 16. Talatam 767 17. Gadagosh 780 18. Aizar Eskakatir 1/2 day 19. Dedem 78520. Wededem 795 21. Wudme Asfare 825 22. Armah 830 23. Degennajam 849 24. Gedajan 850 25. Gudit (Yodit, a Jewish Queen) 890 26. Anbase Wedem 910 27. Del Naad 920 . Events ends Solomonic dynasty and begins the Zagwe (line of Moses) Dynasty
V. ZAGWE Dynasty
1. Mara Takla Haymanot (Zagwe) 933 2. Tatawdem 973 3. Jan Seyum 1013 4. Germa Seyum 1053 5. Yermrhana Kristos 1093 6. Kedus Arbe (samt) 1133 7. Lalibala 1173 8. Nacuto Laab 1213 9. Yatbarak 1230 10. Mayrari 1245 11. Harbay 1253
(Israelite rulers during Zagwe Dynasty:1. Mahbara Wedem 2. Agbea Tsion 3. Tsinfa Arad 4. Nagash Zare 5. Asfeh 6. Yacob 7. Bahr Asagad 8. Edem Asagad).
1. Ahywa (Sofya, mother of Abreha Atsbeha). 2. Abreha Atsbeha (partly with his mother) 332 3. Atsbeha (alone) 344 4. Asfeh Dalz 351 5. Sahle 365 6. Arfed Gebra Maskal 369 7. Adhana I (Queen) 374 8. Riti 375 9. Asfeh II 376 10. Atsbeha II 381 11. Amey 396 12. Abreha II 7 months 13. Ilassahl 2 months 14. Elagabaz I 398 15. Suhal 402 16. Abreha III 412 17. Adhana II (Queen) 418 18. Yoab 428 19. Tsaham I 430 20. Amey II 431 21. Sahle Ahzob 433 22. Tsebah Mahana Kristos 436 23. Tsaham II 438 24. Elagabaz II 444 25. Agabi 445 26. Lewi 447 27. Ameda III 450 28. Armah Dawit 464 29. Amsi 469 30. Salayba 478 31. Alameda 486 32. Pazena Ezana 493 . Kaleb continues the line as a Dynasty until Emperor Gedajan.
Kaleb Dynasty:
1. Kaleb 523 2. Za Israel 1 month 3. Gabra Maskal 537 4. Kostantinos 565 5. Wasan Sagad 580 6. Fere Sanay 603 7. Advenz 623 8. Akala Wedem 631 9. Germa Asafar 646 10. Zergaz 656 11. Dagena Mikael 682 12. Bahr Ekla 701 13. Gum 725 14. Asguagum 730 15. Latem 746 16. Talatam 767 17. Gadagosh 780 18. Aizar Eskakatir 1/2 day 19. Dedem 78520. Wededem 795 21. Wudme Asfare 825 22. Armah 830 23. Degennajam 849 24. Gedajan 850 25. Gudit (Yodit, a Jewish Queen) 890 26. Anbase Wedem 910 27. Del Naad 920 . Events ends Solomonic dynasty and begins the Zagwe (line of Moses) Dynasty
V. ZAGWE Dynasty
1. Mara Takla Haymanot (Zagwe) 933 2. Tatawdem 973 3. Jan Seyum 1013 4. Germa Seyum 1053 5. Yermrhana Kristos 1093 6. Kedus Arbe (samt) 1133 7. Lalibala 1173 8. Nacuto Laab 1213 9. Yatbarak 1230 10. Mayrari 1245 11. Harbay 1253
(Israelite rulers during Zagwe Dynasty:1. Mahbara Wedem 2. Agbea Tsion 3. Tsinfa Arad 4. Nagash Zare 5. Asfeh 6. Yacob 7. Bahr Asagad 8. Edem Asagad).
Yekuno Amlak throned and continues the Solomonic line.
1. Yekuno Amlak 1268 2. Yasbeo Tseyon 1277 3. Tsenfa Arad 1278 4. Hesba Asagad 1279 5. Kedme Asagad 1280 6. Jan Asagad 1281 7. Sabea Asagad 1282 8. Wedma Ared 1297 9. Amda Tseyon 1327 10. Saifa Ared 1355 11. Wedma Asfare 1365 12. Dawit 1395 13. Tewodoros 1399 14. Yeshak 1414 15. Andreyas 6 months 16. Hesba Nafi 1418 17. Bedl Nafi (6 mo with Andreyas) 1419 18. Amde Tseyon 1426 19. Zara Yacob 1460 20. Boeda Maryam 1470 21. Iskender 1486 22. Amda Tseyon 1487 23. Naod 1500
24. Lebna Dengel 1532 25. Galawdewos 1551 26. Minas 1555. The Emperors and Empresses moved around the realm until the establishment of Gonder as a Capital City. The line continues as House of Gondar.
1. Yekuno Amlak 1268 2. Yasbeo Tseyon 1277 3. Tsenfa Arad 1278 4. Hesba Asagad 1279 5. Kedme Asagad 1280 6. Jan Asagad 1281 7. Sabea Asagad 1282 8. Wedma Ared 1297 9. Amda Tseyon 1327 10. Saifa Ared 1355 11. Wedma Asfare 1365 12. Dawit 1395 13. Tewodoros 1399 14. Yeshak 1414 15. Andreyas 6 months 16. Hesba Nafi 1418 17. Bedl Nafi (6 mo with Andreyas) 1419 18. Amde Tseyon 1426 19. Zara Yacob 1460 20. Boeda Maryam 1470 21. Iskender 1486 22. Amda Tseyon 1487 23. Naod 1500
24. Lebna Dengel 1532 25. Galawdewos 1551 26. Minas 1555. The Emperors and Empresses moved around the realm until the establishment of Gonder as a Capital City. The line continues as House of Gondar.
1. Sartsa Dengel 1589 2. Yakob 1598 3. Za Dengel I 1599 4. Susneyos 1627 5. Fasil 1662 6. Degu-Johannis 1677 7. Adyam Sagad Iyasu 1702 8. Takla Haymanot 1704 9. Tewoflus 1707 10. Yostos 1711 11. Dawit 1716 12. Bakaffa 1725 13. Birhan Sagad Iyasu 1749 14.Iyoas 1764 15. Johannis 5 months + 5 days 16. Takla Haymanot 1772 17. Solomon 1774 18. Takla Giyorgis 1779 . The accession line continues by Princes who claimed the throne as Emperors. These Princes began the Zemene Mesafint Era.
1. Sartsa Dengel 1589 2. Yakob 1598 3. Za Dengel I 1599 4. Susneyos 1627 5. Fasil 1662 6. Degu-Johannis 1677 7. Adyam Sagad Iyasu 1702 8. Takla Haymanot 1704 9. Tewoflus 1707 10. Yostos 1711 11. Dawit 1716 12. Bakaffa 1725 13. Birhan Sagad Iyasu 1749 14.Iyoas 1764 15. Johannis 5 months + 5 days 16. Takla Haymanot 1772 17. Solomon 1774 18. Takla Giyorgis 1779 . The accession line continues by Princes who claimed the throne as Emperors. These Princes began the Zemene Mesafint Era.
1. T. Yasus 1784-88 2. Takla Haymanot 1788-89 3. Iskias 1789-95 4. Baeda Maryam 1795- 97 5. Junus 17976. Adimo 1797-99 7. Egwala Sion 1799-1818 8. Joas 1818-21 9. Gigar 1821-26 10. Baeda Maryam III 1826 11. Gigar (again) 1826-30 12.Iyasu IV 1830-32 13.Gabra Kristos 1832 14.Sahala Dengel 1832-40 15.Johannes III 1840-41 16.Sahala Dengel (again) 1841-55 . The end of Zemene Mesafint begins with Tewodros.
1. T. Yasus 1784-88 2. Takla Haymanot 1788-89 3. Iskias 1789-95 4. Baeda Maryam 1795- 97 5. Junus 17976. Adimo 1797-99 7. Egwala Sion 1799-1818 8. Joas 1818-21 9. Gigar 1821-26 10. Baeda Maryam III 1826 11. Gigar (again) 1826-30 12.Iyasu IV 1830-32 13.Gabra Kristos 1832 14.Sahala Dengel 1832-40 15.Johannes III 1840-41 16.Sahala Dengel (again) 1841-55 . The end of Zemene Mesafint begins with Tewodros.
1. Theodore 1855-68 2. John IV 1868-89 3. Menelik II 1889-1913 6. Lej Yasu 1913-16 7. Zauditu (Empress) & Ras Tafari Makonnen (Regent & Heir) 1916 Negus Tafari Makonnen (King) 1928-1930 8. Haile Selassie I 1930-1974. The Royal line is terminated by Marxist and Tribalist Unknowns
1. Theodore 1855-68 2. John IV 1868-89 3. Menelik II 1889-1913 6. Lej Yasu 1913-16 7. Zauditu (Empress) & Ras Tafari Makonnen (Regent & Heir) 1916 Negus Tafari Makonnen (King) 1928-1930 8. Haile Selassie I 1930-1974. The Royal line is terminated by Marxist and Tribalist Unknowns
1. Communist and Ethnic-oriented leaders reversed the continuity of the Solomonic line.
This has both histiorical and mathmatical inaccuracies.
For example: The conversion of the dates from Addis Alem (Year of the World) to BCE is in accurate. The constants to be used for such calculating are as follows:
Christ was born Maskaram 1, 5500 Addis Alem which is the same as Maskaram 1, 1 AD on the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar and that is the same day as September 11, 8 BC on the Gregorian calendar. This day was the exact 5500th aniversary of the day God said "Let there be light" in Genesis 1.
Aram (aka Ori) the Grandson of Adam by his son Seth, was the first Emperor who reigned 60 years from 970 to 1030 Addis Alem. Do your math calculations from there using those dates as constants. IF your list of kings and figures are correct for length of reign it should tabulate correctly. Example: You should have that Empress Garsemot Kandeke VI reign ended in 56 AD which was 5548 Addis Alem or 48 AD on the Ethiopian Orthodox calendar. However that is not the figure you have so it is wrong according to the correct list of kings published by Haile Selassie via Sir Charles Fernand Rey in Appendix A of C.F. Rey's book "In the Country of the Blue Nile".
The list is the same in both the 1927 original printing in blue hardcover from Duckworth of London, as well as the 2nd printing in 1969 in brown hardcover from Negro University Press (SBN 8371-2656-8 for the latter). The list of Kings in this book was signed and sent to Rey by Regent Tafari Makonnen. The two were personal friends and Rey was knighted by Tafari Makonnen under the knightood entiotled "the Order of the Star of Ethiopia". Rey was also a knight of the British Empire and the English Ambassador to Abyssinia for his period.
Using the info and references I have conveyed, please recognize and correct the errors I have pointed out.
Also please remember that the legitimacy of the Selassie family's claim tothe crown has been undermied by the toxicologist's discovery in 2001 that Minilik II was assasinated by Arsenic poisoning and that Empress Zewditu was assasinated by insulin overdose poisoning and since it is unlawful under Imperial law to asscend to the throne by means of assasination, this negates the legitimacy of Haile Selassie's coronation and therefore Princess Mennen,(the only legitimate issue of Lij Eyasu), and her legitimate descendants are the only rightful heirs to the Abyssinian crown today and the Eyasuist claim to the crown is now far stronger because of said toxicologist findings on the bone marrow samples of the remains of Minilik II and Empress Zewditu.
Ohand foir the record, my title and full name is:
Bitwoded Yohannes Anteneh Terusew Teruabbat Sahle Maryam Minilik, the current rasnebiyu (head-prophet) of Bete Yahuda Masihawi (the now-global diasporan house of of Messianic Bete Israel) and great great grandson of Minilik II via his first legitimate issue as King of Shewa, Princess Kandeke Sahle, firsty daughter of Negus Sahle Maryam and Princess Alitash Tewedros.
I can be reached via http://myspace.com/rasnebiyu for politely asked relevant questions.
Thank you very much for the revelation. We will try to correct any errors or inaccuracies as much as possible. The source we used was from Rey's The Real Abyssinia by Seeley Service & Co 1935 which is probably a different edition of "In the Country of the Blue Nile". As for the legetimacy of the crown we will take note of the facts you presented for future comment.
Hey everybody... No one is intiteld for the throne but ME. I am waiting for the right time to claim the real house of SOLOMON from the senior line of GONDARIAN family. See u in Ethiopia.
Where is the high IQ king of all kings Meles ????
Thank you for providing a list of Ethopian Kings, though its not complete ...TiruAbbat Sahle provides excellent edits that will further improve your give to us...perfecting this history is needed in this time...thanks also to TiruAbbat Sahle...your knowledge is honored. as ever woletteselassie
I read in, J. J. Rogers book, ""100 Amazing Facts About The Negro with Complete Proof" - where on page 4 fact #14 that: "The Ganges. the sacred river of India, is named after an Ethiopian king of that name who conquered Asia as far as this river" and for his 'proof' he quotes: "But of all (the Kings of Ethiopia) Ganges was most famous, who with his Ethiopian army passed into Asia and conquered all as far as the River Ganges, to which he left that name, being before called "Chliaros" (Purchas): His Pilgrimage, Book V11, Africa, p. 551)" - Going through your listing of Ethiopian Kings, I do not see a listing of "Ganges" name. so i'm asking anyone if there is any truth to what Mr. Rogers wrote..
Thanks for any info on this matter.
I can be contacted at: shawnrandoo@yahoo.com
Shawn Randoo
Well I beg to differ anonymous since King Solomon was a Hebrew, the blood type can tell you if you are Jewish. I have that blood type which makes me the heir. Take the test and prove who you are. I'm the Queen the blood line of Queen Sheba and King Solomon. There will be no claims until there is proof by blood type. The blood won't lie. Signed the Queen
Thanks for the post.
How can we say all these rules are kings or Queens of Ethiopia? I can only understand it after Menelik II, who unified all the kings thought the country and declared under one nation. I consider them as the rules of some part of Ethiopia (north Ethiopia), as there are quite many similar kings in the rest part of the country until Menelik II. I just want to know.
I also wanted to know why pure (in blood line) Ethiopians were not allowed to rule the country other than the king Solomon line (the Solomon dynasty). Or sorry, if i didn't get correctly, does the Solomonic line considered as the Amharas. if that is the case, I would like to have a little explanation or otherwise. Thanks!
There isn't anything as the Amhara/Habesha Solomonic dynasty. If there was anything like that it had to do with ancient Saba Meroe. It was Tharbis, the queen of Saba Meroe who visited King Solomon and they didn’t make any baby – the alleged Menelik I. It was fabricated by the Egyptian patriarchs after yakuno amlak seized power from the Zagwe dynasty in 1270 AD by killing yitbarak- the zagwe military general. The habesha started to come sporadically as individual merchants from Yemen/Arabia to Axum after 500 BC. Axum was founded by the great grandson of Noah (a Cushite), therefore Axum is not Amhara nor Habesha. It was a stolen history. Abyssinia was not even on the map before about 1070 AD, which means Habesh were insignificant until after 1270 AD, let alone having their own kings and queens. After all there was no tradition of kings and queens in Arabia/Yemen. It was the ancient Cushitic Ethiopia, Nubia, Meroe, the Zagwe who had kings and queens. Their stories/histories are stolen by Amhara/Habesha who became the owners today. On the other hand the Amhara immigrated to Ethiopia between 5th & 6th AD after their economy collapsed in Yemen – they were called Himyarites and their language was called Hymaric, Amharic is derived from that. The Amhara and Habesh people joined forces after 1270 AD. They come from the same country of Yemen but they were from two different ethnicities in Yemen.
The Aram dynasty most likely ruled before the floods, they are most likely present day afars. Right after the Aram dynasty ends, it starts with Kams dynasty, which is after the flood. There is almost a 600 years cab between the two dynasties. The Axumites must have started ruling around 1930 BC with the start of the Agazian dynasty. Which corresponds well with the story of the Ethiopian Bete-Kehenet on how it starts and with its lineage with the line of Abrham.
Jiraataa continued
To mention some of the Biblical great men (Characters), Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesse and his son David (ancestors of Jesus Christ) are all Horities. The Horites are direct ancestors of Jesus Christ. And they are Kushites. They are from the line of ruler-priests. Moses’ brother, Aaron and his descendants are appointed priests by Yahweh Himself, so are David’s sons (2 Samuel). The Zagwe are Kush. They descended directly from Moses. So are the Falashas. So are the Axumites.
Abraham is a Horite. The ancestors of his family are from Kush. And David is a direct descendant of Abraham, so David is a Horite. Abraham’s mother’s father is a Horite. Her father’s name is Na’Hor, a Kushite “from Nubia/Kush. The suffix “Hor” indicates Horite. (The common name “Hora” in Oromo today comes from that. (Oromo, Galla, (Check out the Town of Beit Galla in Israel or Palestine), etc, are Kushites. And Sara named her first son Nahor after her father.
Abraham’s two wives are Kushites, Sara and Ketura. He married them because they were from his ethnicity. Moses was a Kushite; all his three wives are Kushites- Zipporah (Exodus 2:15-16) and the Ethiopian woman (Numbers 12:1) -supposedly Tharbis, and the third one (Judges 4:11) name unknown- her father is also from Nubia/Kush. He married them because they are from his ethnicity.
Abraham didn’t want his son Isaac to marry a woman from Canaan, but from the land where his brother Nahor lived- the Horite country- his ethnicity.
The following are not coincidences but have parallels with the above:
The Kushites protected the Hebrews in the span of 150 years of their rule in Egypt and Nubia. For example, in 701 BC God uses Tirhakah (the 25th dynasty king of Kush) to save Judah from siege by the Assyrian king Sennacherib (Isaiah 37:9; 2 Kings 19:9).
Ebed-Melek – a Kushite saves the prophet Jeremiah from death by pulling him out of a cistern (Jeremiah 38).
God sends St Philip the evangelist to the Nubian/Ethiopian man to introduce the Gospel to him in the desert. Have at any time of their history in Ethiopia, the Habesha or the Amhara people mention that it was in fact the Ethiopian eunuch who built the first Christian Church in Ethiopia and that he was its first bishop? Do they ever mention that the Kushite Kandake Queens were the first Christians out of Israel which lasted until the 4th century AD? But you know what the Habesha/Amhara claim today: “We (Habesha) are the first Christian nation in the world…” How sad is that!!!
And God declares:
"Are not you Israelites the same to me as the Cushites?" declares the LORD. Amos 9:7
“From beyond the rivers of Cush my worshipers, my scattered people, will bring me offerings.” Zephaniah 3:10.
“Envoys will come from Egypt; Cush will submit herself to God.” Psalm 68:31, etc, etc…
Ethiopia is Kush. Amhara and Habesha are Yemenite Arabs who immigrated to Ethiopia. They call themselves Semites. When you say the Ethiopian “Bete-Kehenet”, which Ethiopia are you referring to? If Abraham is a Kushite, how could they be Abraham’s lineage? If you are referring to the Zagwe (Agau), ok, but I hope you are not referring to the Habesha/Amhara.
You say “The Axumites must have started ruling around 1930 BC with the start of the Agazian dynasty”. If the Agazian dynasty was in existence in 1930 BC, there is no way they could be Habesha or Amhara. Axum was not even on the map in 400 BC. It didn’t exist until after around 300 BC. Axum’s status is uncertain. One thing for sure is that it’s not founded by either Amhara or Habesha, but by Kushties as history points out. King Ezan was not even Amhara or Habesha. He was not even listed among the kings of Abyssinia, so could be a Kushite just like the Zagwe (Agau).
Jiraataa continued
On the introduction of this blog it says: “We will attempt to scrape off the mist of history and time to reveal the grandeur of Ethiopia, also known as Abyssinia.” There is no such history as Ethiopia being known as Abyssinia! Ethiopia is Kush. It was founded by Kush and the Abyssinians didn’t even exist when Ethiopia was founded. It was in October 1926 (about 80 years ago) that Abyssinians appealed to the League of Nations to be called Ethiopians and no more Abyssinians because of the bad meaning of the word Habesh in Arabic, who gave them the name because of the nature and character of the Habesh (Habesha) people. In the response of their letter to the Abyssinians it reads:
“The objection of the people of the country to the term “Abyssinia” arises from the fact that the Arabic word “Habesha”, from which it is derived means “confusion”, and that it has come to connote, as the Arabs use it with reference to “Abyssinia”, “mongrel” (strange mixture).” (October 1926).
Habesha and Amhara came to existence in ancient Ethiopia after about 300 BC. The Amhara immigrated to Ethiopia around 6th century AD. It was only Nubia/Kush who was in that area in 1930 BC. The Kushites were there since 7,000 years (seven thousand) to the Bronze Age (3300 BC) and to the present. They witnessed when all the new comers arrived in east Africa one after the other, but everything they documented was destroyed after 1270 AD when the Abyssinian rebel by a name Yakuno Amlak came to power by killing the Kushite Agau (Zagwe) King Lalibela by the help of the Egyptian patriarchs.
Surprisingly, you are either ignorant of history or purposely avoid such a huge history of Kush/Nubia- from whom the first and most sophisticated civilization come down through the ages, that the world’s archeologists and historians of our era are astonished about. They are busy digging to uncover the endless findings of these people’s civilizations who built pyramids, steles, had dynamic rulers, pharos, etc, are simply ignored by people who are busy fabricating and formulating false histories for themselves that don’t exist to fool the world with it. If you read history, what history do the Habesha/Amhara people have? Nothing other than the bête-kihnet, or the Coptic Church; even that was established by the Zagwe dynasty. Read history, I am not making all these up.
April 8, 2007 at 10:39 AM
"Anonymous said...
Hey everybody... No one is intiteld for the throne but ME. I am waiting for the right time to claim the real house of SOLOMON from the senior line of GONDARIAN family. See u in Ethiopia.
October 14, 2011 at 8:42 PM"
This blogger is very funny!!
Solomon is an Israeli. He had nothing to do with Ethiopia. He didn't make any baby[ies] with an Ethiopian. He had an Egyptian wife whose name was Hapshepsut the Queen of Egypt. The Menelik thru whom you are claiming a throne in Ethiopia was Malonaken (Menelik)King of Kush in the 5th century BC and founder of Axum. His father was Armatleqo king of Meroe/Kush whose middle name was Solomon. His son Melonaken (Melonaqen) was the founder of the Solomonic dynasty of Kush (not Israel) after his father. The Amhara-Habesha confused it with King Solomon of Israel. That dynasty came down to the 10th century BC until Queen Judith destroyed it. To your surprise, King Ezana was a Kushite! Do you see now why the Arabs call the Habesha people "confusion"?
Has anyone read this book about Ethiopia's history yet, is it worth buying? http://adf.ly/1TEYua
Has anyone read this book about Ethiopia's history yet, is it worth buying? http://adf.ly/1TEYua
All of this is confusing, but the common thread seems to be that modern day Ethiopians are descendants from the land of Kush. It is interesting but confusing and I want to learn more.
it is said that memnon was an ethiopian king.i was wondering if someone can point me to who exactly he is on the list.thanks
Here is the comparison of the Ethiopian rulers compared of Egyptian and kings and queens rulers by Dean Clarke
to partly answer Memnon stuff and other questions.
All these alleged allegations that His Majesty Haile Selassie 1 Coronation is illegitimate is pure propaganda false... Lij Iyasu could not save Ethiopia... LIJ IYASU NEVER HAD THE BRAIN OR SPIRIT TO DO RIGHT...History proves the cynical critics wrong... RASTAFARI is and was Ethiopia best choice.
This is not fact but personal Created lies partially with half truths and mixing rocks with fruit. Sorry for the cruticism but this is not Ethiopian. The author of this alsite and fictional kings list wake up you're either ignorant and wrong or purposely lying to make yourself feel due too opinion and bias that is false.
The Kings Aram and nimroud and solimon etc are not Ethiopians they are Middle Eastern names in origin. The facts are that and they our fictionalized version of the biblical Hebrew mythology characters who are based real non myth fiction character that are gentile not Hebrews.
If they were any such people as this fake kings list says with some half truths but still those characters Aram nimroud solimon etc would be absolutely nothing like and absolutely different than the Hebrew fiction myth characters. They would also plane preadamite le aka real people and Gentiles and godly and true unlike the biblical characters who are fake and made up and exposed as not real but late fictional inventions of the Iron Age. Also these characters would not only be different in all ways but their names would be different very much different like nimroud would be nami-rondu though little similar still nothing alike and Aram would also not be Aram completely but Ori or Ora and Oru and soliman would be salikki. So all those would be almost if not. Completely different in all ways than the fake names and characters wrongly or very wrong displayed on here too as well as those names didn't exist all of them until after 1000 bce and that's an inescapable absolute Fact and Truth. So wrong serous corrections need here on this page and now you have been given some of those corrections some of which seem clearly based off of false sensationalism and indoctrination. So wrong and fix your page it's very WRONG and flawed.
King name
Head of pantheon. A warrior deity after whom the Axumite kings titled themselves
sons of MAHREM
Firstly you are biased and all your opinions are just to discredit the historicity of the Bible as myth.
I am not claiming to be an expert in the history of Ethiopia but common sense tells that the history above is correct although the differences in those that are conflicting.
Ethiopia or Cush as the bible refers to it can together with Egypt be considered to be part of the middle east. History of other civilizations shows that there were numerous interactions with Palestine and Babylon empires with Cush in trade and in conflicts(wars). Egypt was constantly under Cushite rulers throughout history.
The Israelites/Hebrews were under Cushite rule during their slavery in Egypt and actually Moses was raised as Pharaoh's daughter on Pharaoh's cast and Moses definitely was a Cushite or Egyptian name.
With the shared history and all interactions with the middle east and Egypt and Cussh it therefore comes as no surprise that they should have common names or similar names.
Lastly the Bible has been proved to be a very reliable source of information and a standard reference of historical facts. Many an archeological findings have proven to the accuracy of biblical records.
Greetings in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy One Of Israel, Selassie I Jah Rastafari! Ever give thanks for the Royal Blood Lineage of King David. We the Ethiopians scattered in the Western Diaspora owe a debt of gratitude to those who have suffered at home to retain of history and sovereignty for us to have an inheritance today! Rest assured the battle that ensued many generations before us, is coming to a close and we embrace this trying but glorious end! We will continue to fight valiantly with our leader, The Right Honourable King Emmanuel Charles Edwards until we meet face to face, in our Father's place, Ethiopia, Mount Zion where all Gods and Goddesses love to be! Holy Emmanuel I Selassie I Jah Rastafari
Well do you know there are Axmuite Stelas in Axum still standing right at this moment? How about the Queen of Sheba’s palace? Well what about King Ezana’s inscription written in Geez a 3000yrs old language? Amharic is its secular verision, just so you know.
The question is why should we believe over the archeological and historical facts?
So you believe all of them are liars. Where is the proof?
Yeah I dont understand why people are confused about it. I think the Arabs in these threads are trying to claim Axum is their kingdom, not Ethiopians. I think thats what they are saying but the facts is Ethiopians have ruled across Arabia during the 6thC. King Caleb have conquered Southern Arabia. That is a historical fact. That doesn’t mean Axum belonged to the Arabs. Rather, it was Southern Arabia was part of the Axumite Kingdom. What many of the commenters here may not realize is that there are numerous Axumite Stelaes built by Axumite Kings who ruled and made Axum their power center. Not only that there are a lot of archeological and historical proof Axum is part of modern day Ethiopia. The people spoke geez and were converted to Christianty in the 4thC before Rome became Christian. Yes, Axum was an international trade center and there was alot of social and cultural exchanges around the world but it doesn’t means we aren’t habesha/ Abysinian or Ethiopian.
This warm my heart
100%,great question
Great historical compilation and even greater courage and kudos to publish the facts.Christmas has always been in the news as not being on dec 25,as per the gregorian calendar and now we have some data to support sept 11 as the correct date.Adams son too reigning for 60years meaning that Genesis events happened just about 5500yrs ago while queen sheba royal visit to king solomon also happened about 3000years ago too by your records here.Once more kudos for a job well done.On the issue on rightful crowns and assasinations of reining emperors only Thorough investigations can lead to indictments as you have suggested here and i believe that time shall still make such efforts yield the desired results.
I wish to know from someone more learned than me on this topic why I do not see Ethiopian warrior Prince Taharqua listed in this royal line-up. He is mentioned in the Bible as coming to rescue the Jews from Assyrian siege.
Eem, I am from a bantu speaking cluster. In fact I am second generation bantu. I an here enjoying cushites (here we call you guys Hamites) fighting. That house has always been Habesha😂😂🤣
Lij Iyasu was a traitor to the entire Ethiopia realms. He converted to Muslim and got beheaded.
It is imperative for the African Americans, to receive this impartation.
Ganges was a general right?
It's always great to hear the other side if the story
Why not talk about nilotics and Bazen , how did Christianity came to abbysinia
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