March 24, 2011

Stamps of "Ethiopia" Volume 2

These series is really the most ridiculous stamps bearing the name of the Holy Land of Ethiopia. The Italian Fascists were in Ethiopia fighting for survival for 5 years but they still managed to produce these stamps before they melted away back to Italia Irredenta where they came from!The Arabic script reads "Al Balad El Habasha" which means Country of the Habash or Abyssinian while the year reads May 9 1936, the date the Italians declared Ethiopia as a colony. They entered Addis Ababa on May 5 1936 and declared the next day May 6 as Occupation of Ethiopia. Mussolini declared Ethiopia an Italian province. Victor Emanuel III, shown below, was proclaimed as the new Emperor of Ethiopia. This is quite an accomplishment even though the Italian Fascists never colonized the country except for the complicated case of Eritrea (also known as Baher Midri, Baher Meder, Mereb Melash, Ertra).


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